社区 Champions are Turning to 澳门威尼斯人游戏, 种植 Positive Change

每个人都认识他们社区里的“那个人”. 与所有邻居都有联系. 随时准备伸出援助之手. 不断关心他人. 致力于改善他们称之为家的地方. They see a potential issue and actively look for solutions; they see an opportunity for progress and jump right in.

这些都是积极主动的人,他们个人投资在他们生活的地方创造真正的改变. And more 和更多的, they are turning to trees as part of that positive change. As understanding grows around all the benefits community trees provide, 越来越明显的是,许多社区需要更多的绿色空间,以便居民茁壮成长.

通过城市植澳门威尼斯人游戏努力, 植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会有幸与这些敬业的人一起工作. 每个人都有不同的背景,他们参与社区绿化的原因也各不相同. But one thing connects them all: a passion for their communities.



乔治Acklin has lived in the Parkwood neighborhood for nearly 50 years. This is where he and his wife raised their children, and it’s where their grandchildren now come to visit. 这才是真正的家.

“自从我们在这所房子里抚养孩子以来,我认为这里就是我们的家. 每当我们的孩子想到回家,他们就会想到这个地方。. 他们有机会搬家,但他们无法想象自己住在其他地方. “We decided to stay here … so that everybody could still come home.”

He has poured so much of himself into his beloved Parkwood community over the years. This retired minister serves as a school crossing guard, 邻里协会会长, 兼环境美化专员. 他还组织志愿者清理垃圾,甚至在城市无法到达的时候在社区入口处割草.

这对一个人来说似乎太多了,但阿克林就是这样长大的. From an early age, his mother instilled in him the importance of service to others. “我们没有很多东西. Matter of fact, we had less than a lot, less than that,” he said. 无论如何,夫人. Acklin would cook meals for neighbors with even less. “当她完成后,我们准备吃饭,她说,‘这不是给你们所有人的. 我们要把这个给别人.’ She takes the meal and gives it to another family that had less than we had."

That was the Acklin family’s way — supporting others even when they had so little. “我们不介意. People just shared in those days, and people still share in this day. You might not see it all, but people still share that way. 我就是这样长大的.”

I wanted to do something to make the entrance more inviting, make it more beautiful. I couldn’t think of anything more inviting or more beautiful than trees.

——乔治·阿克林 田纳西州纳什维尔

So when he sees a way he can serve his beloved community, Acklin doesn’t hesitate. 最近,他还投资植澳门威尼斯人游戏. 他带头沿着他帮忙割草的小区入口种了75多棵澳门威尼斯人游戏. “The corridor was okay, but it did not look inviting,” he said. “我想做点什么让入口更吸引人,让它更漂亮. I couldn’t think of anything more inviting or more beautiful than trees."

他还帮助宣传一个全市范围内的项目,为居住在低澳门威尼斯人游戏冠社区的纳什维尔居民提供免费澳门威尼斯人游戏木. 作为澳门威尼斯人游戏的船长, 阿克林是Parkwood社区的倡导者,帮助他的邻居了解在院子里种更多澳门威尼斯人游戏的好处. 他也是那些房主信任的熟悉面孔. “我和他们交谈,告诉他们发生了什么. I tell them there’s no catch to it, it’s real,” he said. “这是信任因素. Now they know that it’s real and they can trust me and they can trust the program. Then they can tell their neighbors and those neighbors can tell their neighbors. 它会像涟漪效应一样爆炸.”

连锁反应肯定在起作用. Neighbor by neighbor, tree by tree, Parkwood is becoming greener. 这些澳门威尼斯人游戏木带来的好处将成为阿克林遗产的一部分,并将代代相传.



伊妮德·平克尼本质上是一个讲故事的人. 她讲述的是一个关于社区的故事——保护布朗斯维尔社区的遗产,支持她的邻居. 她的观点很独特, 我在这个地区生活了很长时间,并领导了保护具有文化意义的历史遗迹的澳门威尼斯人游戏. She’s even written a book about the history of Brown Sub (Brownsville’s nickname).

Her activism has made her an icon in this underserved community, and she continues each day to work hard for this corner of Miami. “This community has a history of being a family community, but now it's been infiltrated by developers who are coming in, 还有一些高楼大厦. We are trying to protect this family living in this community,” Pinkney said. “我们正在努力为这个社区获得历史称号,这样我们就可以保留这个社区的文化遗产,并努力保护它.”

保护布朗斯维尔遗产的一个重要部分是支持现在住在那里的人. Most people in Pinkney’s community are facing food insecurity. 该地区是一个城市食物沙漠,没有足够的新鲜和健康的食物选择. And with the average household income nearly 30% below the poverty line, the lack of a grocery store within walking distance is a significant problem.

这是平克尼追随内心,为布朗斯维尔的故事谱写新篇章的时刻. 她自愿把她家隔壁四分之一英亩的土地用作社区花园, 人们团结起来把它变成了现实. 超过两天, through blistering June heat and fast-moving rain squalls, 当地的两个非营利组织和几十名来自社区的志愿者种植了45棵果澳门威尼斯人游戏和各种蔬菜.

Pinkney was touched by the experience of watching this space come to life. “你知道, 我真的无法用语言表达我是如何被今天发生的事情和前来分担劳动的人们所鼓舞. 这表明身边有好人. 我们只需要把他们聚集在一起,让他们工作,这样他们就能指明方向.”

但这一天不仅仅是把澳门威尼斯人游戏木和植物种到地里,更是关于新的体验. And Pinkney said it best: “This is a teaching experience. 这是一次学习的经历. 这是一次建筑历史的体验.”


——伊妮德·平克尼 迈阿密,佛罗里达

Now, a portion of Enid’s yard will be a gathering place. 为了邻居和食物. “嗯, 你知道, 我很高兴能这样做, to be able to bring people together and that makes me feel good,”她说。. “他们会知道有一个他们可以来的地方,那里有食物,是为他们准备的."

Her love for this community has now been written into the story of Brownsville, 把未来塑造得更好一点.



玛西娅·希尔德是一个天生的积极进取者——积极参与她所在的纽瓦克社区和艺术. She serves as the executive director and co-founder of ACCA Creates, 专注于艺术的组织, 文化, 社区澳门威尼斯人游戏主义. 而且是真正的有进取心的时尚, she was one of the founders of her neighborhood organization, 美丽的米德街.

I have strong memories of tree-lined streets where the trees were like a cathedral, 美丽的华冠.

——玛西娅·希尔德 纽瓦克,新泽西州

Heard has a connection to trees that started when she was young. 她的早年生活在芝加哥绿澳门威尼斯人游戏成荫的祖母家中. "I have strong memories of tree-lined streets where the trees were like a cathedral, 美丽的华冠."

In 2020, that can-do attitude and connection to trees combined.

美丽的米德街 applied for a grant through the City of Newark. 目标是做一些小的改进,包括增加悬挂植物. 但希尔德说:“我希望我们的街区能有更多.” She wanted something closer to the neighborhood trees of her childhood. “I noticed that trees had been cut down, and trees were not replaced. So I did a canvas of the blocks asking people if they were interested in trees. 有人说是的.”

在那一刻,希尔德真的投入了. She educated herself on all the benefits trees provide in a community, sharing her learnings about air quality improvement, 雨水管理, 热岛还原, 和更多的. She also researched the best tree species options for her neighborhood, 考虑到他们狭窄的林荫大道.

The next step was contacting a local tree planting organization. And according to Heard, “When I reached out to them, it was just magic.“他们能够通过处理资金,澳门威尼斯人游戏木采购和所有计划来支持她. Before she knew it, she was spearheading a planting event for her community.

In total, 15 trees were planted along Mead Street on the day of their event. 但希尔德所在的社区共有65户人家,她认为这是一项持续的努力. “我们没有放弃. 我们仍然在接近人们,问他们是否有兴趣种澳门威尼斯人游戏,因为他们看到了其他的澳门威尼斯人游戏,”她说。.

这是一个光辉的例子,说明什么是可能的. 这个虽小但力量强大的邻居团体——由一位真正的邻里冠军领导——了解澳门威尼斯人游戏木的重要性,并在他们的社区里植澳门威尼斯人游戏.



